NG3 4 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

NG3 4 is a postcode sector in Nottingham, UK. Below is a complete list of NG3 4 Postcodes (Active). NG3 4 postcode sector comprises of 106 active postcodes. NG3 4 sector has a population of 4049, and it has 1898 properties in the region.

Browse Information On NG3 4 postcode sector

NG3 4 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 4049
Addresses / Property Count 1898
Active Postcodes 106
Nearby Postcode Districts 31
Nearby Postcode Sectors 6

View Map Of NG3 4 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 106 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
NG3 4AB 52.96332900 -1.14897800 N/A N/A 457259 341001
NG3 4AT 52.96179900 -1.14405200 12 16 457592 340835
NG3 4AY 52.96148000 -1.14471400 5 7 457548 340799
NG3 4BG 52.96228400 -1.14401300 8 12 457594 340889
NG3 4EL 52.96304700 -1.14636500 N/A N/A 457435 340972
NG3 4EX 52.96339900 -1.13996900 N/A N/A 457864 341016
NG3 4EY 52.96296900 -1.13928000 8 16 457911 340969
NG3 4EZ 52.96306000 -1.13786100 7 12 458006 340980
NG3 4FH 52.96353800 -1.14590900 6 15 457465 341027
NG3 4FJ 52.96382900 -1.14637900 10 18 457433 341059
NG3 4FL 52.96414900 -1.14707300 7 18 457386 341094
NG3 4FN 52.96359400 -1.14715600 6 8 457381 341032
NG3 4FP 52.96436200 -1.14793200 27 68 457328 341117
NG3 4FQ 52.96327900 -1.14610700 11 15 457452 340998
NG3 4FR 52.96387400 -1.14765900 15 37 457347 341063
NG3 4FS 52.96334600 -1.14801200 17 42 457324 341004
NG3 4FT 52.96307900 -1.14704900 25 29 457389 340975
NG3 4FW 52.96382000 -1.14892500 14 51 457262 341056
NG3 4FX 52.96405500 -1.14528800 27 81 457506 341085
NG3 4GE 52.95507300 -1.14102700 N/A N/A 457804 340089
NG3 4GF 52.96366700 -1.15007500 63 197 457185 341038
NG3 4GG 52.96456300 -1.15060600 30 55 457148 341137
NG3 4GH 52.96549500 -1.14930900 N/A N/A 457234 341242
NG3 4GJ 52.96579800 -1.14891600 24 41 457260 341276
NG3 4GN 52.96340400 -1.14972300 N/A N/A 457209 341009
NG3 4GP 52.96384500 -1.14983300 3 6 457201 341058
NG3 4GQ 52.96354300 -1.14915400 N/A N/A 457247 341025
NG3 4GW 52.95505300 -1.14103000 N/A N/A 457804 340087
NG3 4GZ 52.96492300 -1.14717700 23 31 457378 341180
NG3 4HB 52.96512800 -1.14663400 34 100 457414 341203
NG3 4HD 52.96471200 -1.14535000 26 61 457501 341158
NG3 4HE 52.96504600 -1.14555100 15 41 457487 341195
NG3 4HG 52.96485600 -1.14784800 14 24 457333 341172
NG3 4HH 52.96367200 -1.14450700 1 2 457559 341043
NG3 4HJ 52.96411500 -1.14612100 11 31 457450 341091
NG3 4HL 52.96438500 -1.14705100 17 25 457387 341120
NG3 4HN 52.96435400 -1.14653100 12 21 457422 341117
NG3 4HP 52.96437600 -1.14581500 19 36 457470 341120
NG3 4HQ 52.96522700 -1.14822800 N/A N/A 457307 341213
NG3 4HR 52.96327500 -1.14554200 19 34 457490 340998
NG3 4HZ 52.96496500 -1.14425800 4 12 457574 341187
NG3 4JA 52.97002400 -1.14155200 N/A N/A 457749 341752
NG3 4JB 52.97115800 -1.13916200 29 59 457908 341880
NG3 4JD 52.97232500 -1.13769400 37 86 458005 342011
NG3 4JE 52.97269200 -1.13877400 26 52 457932 342051
NG3 4JF 52.97177800 -1.14014500 14 20 457841 341948
NG3 4JG 52.97229600 -1.13878200 10 46 457932 342007
NG3 4JH 52.97112900 -1.14144100 9 18 457755 341875
NG3 4JJ 52.96860700 -1.14299200 21 36 457654 341593
NG3 4JL 52.96877300 -1.14378000 21 44 457601 341611
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